In the Nineteenth Century a group of citizens revived the Order of St John in England, drawing their inspiration from the example of the Knights of St John who in medieval times, offered care and shelter for pilgrims and crusaders. St John Ambulance was subsequently formed to put its humanitarian ideals into practice in the new industrial society, promoting the cause of first aid for the sick and wounded through volunteer effort—a novel concept at the time and a much-needed one.
The movement spread to Australia in 1883 and has since developed into the organisation that we know today. The work of the Order of St John is carried out in many countries around the world. St John is a Royal Order of Chivalry with the King as its Sovereign Head.
A Beacon of Hope. The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.
140 years of eye care in the Holy Land, 1882-2022
The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospit al Group is one of the world's most significant specialised ophthalmic institutions. It has always been run by the Order of St John, and has always been, and continues to be, a charitable institution. A Beacon of Hope tells the story of the Hospital and its staff over the past 140 years of its unique existence. Download the Order Form.
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St John History
St John History is the official journal of the St John Ambulance Historical Society of Australia. It appears annually and aims to report on the Society's important developments and events. As the Society's principal publication, it is distributed to all financial members. Included in each edition of the Journal are the papers delivered to the Society's most recent history seminar that takes place each year during the St John Ambulance Australia annual convention. Correspondence about articles in the Journal should be directed to the Editor, Dr Matthew Glozier:
One St John
One St John is an online history journal distributed by St John International, once a year. It is a collection of new and previously published articles (from St John History), usually based on a specific theme (e.g. medals of St John; St John in the World Wars).
Caring for your St John treasures
St John historical societies are tasked with a significant job looking after historical items. Caring for your St John treasures provides you with some does and don’ts of collection management. This clear and concise document will you help boost your collecting and preservation skills as you take the dive into the Heritage of our institution, but may not know where to begin.
Historical Seminar Videos