Rules for reproduction of the St John Logo
The logo must appear straight and upright, with the words 'St John' at the bottom.

The logo can only appear in 100% PMS 186 red or in 100% black. Please note that PMS 186 reproduces effectively as a Pantone colour on matt or gloss stock and when printed as part of the four colour (CMYK) process. The logo cannot appear in any other colour or in white.
When the logo is reproduced for external public purposes, it should be used in red wherever possible (i.e. printing in colour, signage, and electronic reproduction).

The minimum size the logo may appear is 10mm in width. This is the smallest size at which, under normal reproduction standards, the detail of the logo can be maintained at an acceptable level of quality.
The logo must always appear on a white or pale background. The logo should never appear on top of an image or other graphic or within a keylined area.
The proportions of the logo cannot be altered. The height of the solid rectangle must always be 1.5x the width of the rectangle. The words 'St John' are part of the logo graphic and must never be cropped or changed.
Logo isolation area
To ensure the St John logo is prominent and easily recognisable, it should be clear of any other graphic elements (i.e. photographic, images, illustrations, graphics, text). A 'logo isolation area' equal to the width of the logo should surround the St John logo.
Any use of the St John logo outside these rules for reproduction must be given prior approval by the St John Australia Office.